
Checklist for project management teams

Checklist brief description
The checklist is addressed to project management teams. With this tool, they could check within the development and implementation of their project if they have thought about the sustainable alternatives at any point.

The checklist for project managers, which is part of the Treasury, will consist of self-reflecting questions.

The survey
The survey for self assessment contains statements about the actions that you can do to make EU project management - and project-based management in general - ECOLOGICALLY SUSTAINABLE. The actions are grouped into 4 areas, according to the EU project phases: We would like you to reflect on the actions that you might already be doing and to consider starting other actions, particularly those that can turn your management team or entity or company into a SUSTAINABLE one. You can see the results of other participants of the survey clicking on an area (Project Management, Project Implementation, Dissemination, Quality Assurance & Evaluation).

1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT I always do I sometimes do I never do I will do I won’t do
1. My risk assessment includes the environmental impact of project activities
2. I have made changes to my physical work space to make it environmentally friendly
3. I am using public transport, car sharing and non-motorised ways of movement (bike, walking, care sharing etc.) for work.
4. I am turning off the lights, unplugging devices and avoiding heating or cooling if possible, while working from home and in the office.
5. I consider the option of remote working if it means a lower environmental impact
6. I choose durable, repairable and modular electronic devices and make sure to extend their lifetime.
7. I minimise waste production by avoiding single-use or recycled plastic: I use reusable and environmentally friendly containers for foods and drinks and reusable bags for grocery shopping.
8. My company follows the rules of the Environmental Management System.

2. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION I always do I sometimes do I never do I will do I won’t do
1. I check the sustainability of the projects website
2. I am using less paper while working from home
3. I pay attention to my online or offline activity, in particular, I stay offline whenever I can
4. I know and I use different online platforms to implement the project with the partnership
5. I adopt renewable sources or good practices as o-wind-turbines, solar panels, tap aerator to reduce water consumption, etc.
6. I work in synergy with other local realities to reduce ecological footprint and enhance the project impact
7. I use terrestrial means of transport to arrive at transnational meetings when the travel duration is below 1 day.
8. Within the project consortium we replace one or two transnational meetings with an online meeting.

3. PROJECT DISSEMINATION I always do I sometimes do I never do I will do I won’t do
1. I use dissemination to promote a culture of environmental improvement taking on board all members of staff, project partners and stakeholders.
2. I use my multipliers to promote sustainable lifestyles (from energy consumption, to transports, food etc.)
3. I invest in ecologically sustainable digital marketing for the dissemination activities
4. I put effort in designing graphic contents functional to digital communication
5. I choose “green” server alternatives for the project webpage, e-mail, and everything related with the project dissemination activities
6. I opt for ways of transport different from cars to attend multiplier events
7. I use recycled paper or I try to find alternative ways to reduce the use of paper.
8. I incorporate sustainability evaluation into the multiplier evaluation

4. PROJECT QUALITY ASSURANCE & EVALUATION I always do I sometimes do I never do I will do I won’t do
1. I use online-based monitoring and evaluation tools to save resources
2. I use suitable questions to evaluate sustainability and inform my exploitation plan
3. I use block chain application to implement the actions of monitoring and audit
4. I adopt strategies of awareness raising and education of project managers and staff about ecological sustainability
5. I use computers, printers and other useful machines in the office that have been certified by ISO or EMAS.
6. I think about the social benefit and the benefit of the environment before I make a decision for the company.
7. I monitor the mode of transportation of the employees working on the project