

Footprint of transnational face-to-face meetings vs. online meetings


Green Value indicator

CO2 savings


Project management usually involves all kinds of different meetings: local, regional, national or transnational. Transnational meetings are an important element in the management of EU projects. Meeting transnationally implies the fact that people must cover large distances to convene. In Europe, this is currently mainly done by air travel which in terms of CO2 emissions is very costly compared to trains.

To give you an example: take the Think Twice! transnational kick-off meeting. Due to the COVID-19 travel restrictions in 2020 and 2021 our project team could not meet in person, so the meeting was virtual. Under normal circumstances, two persons for seven travelling organisations would have travelled to Leipzig by plane.

A two-way journey roughly emits the following quantities of CO2 for one person: For two people for each journey, this adds up to: 5700 kg (= 5,7 tonnes) of CO2 just for the mobility.

But instead of 14 people travelling, 11 people met online over two days, for three hours each day, so 6 hours in total. A one-hour video-call is estimated to emit around 183 g CO2/: 6 x 11 x 0.183 (kg of CO2) = 12kg of CO2 for the meeting.

Even though CO2 emissions arising from accommodation, venue spaces and fancy caterings are not considered here it is obvious that in the case of transnational meetings, online options are considerably lower in their environmental and carbon footprints.

To remind you, globally annual CO2 emissions should not exceed 1.5 tonnes of CO2 per person. Only by attending a few physical transnational meetings travelling by plane gets you close to this value. So, before your next transnational meeting think twice and ask yourselves: do we need to travel long distances to meet in person or can we have an online meeting? If you deem a face-to-face meeting necessary, is it possible to take terrestrial transport instead? You can read more on that in other good practice examples related to transport.

PROS/CONS of the action

Pros: Cons:


Not Certified

Link to useful sources

Comparison of the energy, carbon and time costs of videoconferencing and in-person meetings

The Social, Environmental, and Economic Advantages of Virtual Events

Carbon Savings for Virtual Meetings

For the calculation of the CO2-emissions of air travel you can use Carbon Calculator:
