

Lifecycle cost analysis: available tools


Green Value indicator

CO2 savings and eco footprint => automatic tools incorporate those factors


There are various ways of measuring ecological, social or economic costs of a product. They are known as Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), Social Life Cycle Analysis (SLCA) or Life Cycle Costing (LCC).
LCA analyses environmental aspects of a product throughout the entire life cycle from its manufacturing and inputs to the end of life. SLCA does the same but incorporates social aspects of a product.
LCC analyses economic aspects of a product throughout its life cycle such as the monetary costs arising from electricity.

Similar concepts are product environmental footprint (PEF) which might become a standard in the EU from 2021/22 onwards, or the product carbon footprint (PCF).

Generally, those analyses are very time-consuming and complex and can often only be conducted by companies which produce a product because as a buyer you lack the relevant data.

However, on the following website Page
LCC tools are available for:

PROS/CONS of the action

Pros: Cons:


Not Certified

Link to useful sources

Product Carbon Footprint

PROSA – Product Sustainability Assessment

These German websites also offer the comparison of products:
Berechnung der Lebenszykluskosten

Berechnungswerkzeug für Lebenszykluskosten verschiedener Produkte (LCC-Tool)

Further description of LCC:
Life Cycle Costing: State of the art report

Environmental footprint: