
Office supply, procurement

Choosing sustainable office supplies: avoid or reuse!


Green Value indicator

The reduction or avoidance of waste reduces the environmental footprint


When it comes to environmental sustainability and waste, there is a hierarchy of measures to take into account: prevention, preparation for re-use, recycling, other usage and finally disposal. It is always more ecological to prevent energy consumption for the creation of a product. So always try to go for the option where least products have to be manufactured, thus least waste is produced. For the office that means: reduce your waste. For many items this implies using reusable products and equipment, the longer the better.
Here are some ideas:

PROS/CONS of the action

Pros: Cons:


Not Certified

Link to useful sources

Save Money by Recycling and Reusing Office Supplies

Second-hand furniture: Search online for refurbished second-hand furniture suppliers or directly from individuals on , , or the market place on Facebook or Ebay.
