
Office supply, procurement

Using recycled paper


Green Value indicator

Paper cannot be recycled many times as its fibres are destroyed and eventually decomposed, but can still be recycled 4-5 times in total. The figures show why paper recycling is a good green practice:


With focus shifting towards greater ecological sustainability of business and by extension the planet, companies and individuals within them should use recyclable / recycled / biodegradable materials in day-to-day office activities.
An example of these materials is paper, which is used in many forms, such as paper documents, brochures, business cards. Any company can recycle documents that are no longer needed. It is possible to have paper recycled either by companies specialised in paper recycling or by machines designed to recycle paper themselves.

The recommended specifications of recycled paper chosen by companies include:

PROS/CONS of the action

Pros: Cons:


Not Certified

Link to useful sources

Environmental Calculator

13 Advantages and Disadvantages of Recycling
