

Nurturing sustainable mindset


Green Value indicator

Promoting healthier lifestyle can enhance the development of habits among employees aligned with the organisational culture and sustainable goals, which in the long run can play a role in overall efficiency of staff and may help to encourage positive lifestyle changes outside the office, leading to a positive impact on health and well-being, as well as on the environment.

As employees internalise these values and implement them beyond their place of employment, in everyday life, different Green Value indicators can be calculated, depending on the specific activities.

"Pay attention to relations in the team. Happy people who work according to their interest are much more prone to be careful about environmental impact of their office work."


By establishing a mindset in the organisation and promoting a culture that nurtures sustainable Objectives, we encourage employees to take an active role in the implementation of good green practice in the organisation and thus gain a sense of contributing to improving the organisation and the society as a whole. Also, these good practices and the encouraging culture of the company strengthen the connection between employees as well as the connection of employees with the wider society.

Mindset, culture, intrinsic motivation, collaboration, team, individual contribution to a common goal, validation, and implementation of organisation’s values in the field of ecological sustainability, promoting a sense of belonging and contributing - these are all the means to minimise environmental impact by giving your employees an opportunity to be healthier and happier.

Sustainable Objectives and values are very important already in the process of recruitment, with the onboarding, and in everyday life of an organisation.

Examples from CCIS (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slowenia):

PROS/CONS of the action

Pros: Cons:


Not Certified

Link to useful sources

9 ways that HR and People teams can drive sustainability

SDG Compass - A Guide for Business Action to Advance the Sustainable Development Goals

TOFINO - Sustainable Event Book
