

Heat it Right!


Green Value indicator

Environmentally Weighted Material Consumption/CO2 savings

Sometimes wooden scraps and waste could be useful for our circular economy-based project management. In fact, biomass is a powerful resource to heat offices and training venues. Although it releases carbon dioxide when burned, it results to be less impactful than fossil fuels combustion.


It is possible to make the management of finances and the impact caused by the office/facilities heating during project implementation more sustainable by checking alternative ways to feed heating stoves or other heating systems. Biomass can be produced by the processing of organic goods or by the activities of a wood factory. It can be also generated from burning wood, plants, and other organic matter while respecting local environmental regulations.
By setting a local network it is possible to benefit of biomass suitable for a furnace/biomass burner, such as wooden scraps, seeds or straw bales.

PROS/CONS of the action

Pros: Cons:


Certified ISO 9001

Link to useful sources

Energy Saving Trust

The Green Age: introduction to biomass boilers
