

Sustainable catering


Green Value indicator

Example of CO2 calculation for catering services. The calculation can be based on:


What and how we drink, eat, and throw away has always had an impact on the environment and our health and well-being. The main goal of this practice is to present some examples of sustainable catering, to reduce the negative impact on the environment. Simultaneously, subcontracting (sustainable) local caterers and suppliers will positively impact the local/regional economy.

Catering represents a significant part of project management, as there are different kinds of events and meetings to be implemented during a project lifecycle. Not only it is important that the event taking place minimises the environmental impact at all stages of the production process, but it can also have a positive impact on local economy – by supporting local producers and suppliers and thus increasing overall sustainability of the event.

As not every organisation can provide in-house service and the catering services are often subcontracted, the following actions can be undertaken at an organisation level: Other good practices
Example of Tap Water Certificate – issued by the Chamber of Public Utilities of Slovenia: Food choices:
Food Supply:
Table service:

PROS/CONS of the action

Pros: Cons:


Tap Water Certificate Socially Responsible Employer certificate (DOD) (sustainability one of the four pillars) Supergostinec (“SuperCaterer”) (based on the Plastic Busters project (Interreg MED) and SUP Directive, developed by the CCIS’s Environmental Protection Department)

Link to useful sources

Catering for sustainability: Making the case for sustainable diets in foodservice

Calculating the environmental impact of catering services.

Plastics: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
