

Prefer “green” servers for websites, e-mail, etc


Green Value indicator

Eco footprint, CO2 savings, energy intensity:
Green servers and green browsers result in lower CO2 emissions and a decreased eco footprint.


According to the researcher from the Institute of Ecology of UNAM Mexico Gabriela Jiménez Casas "the enormous servers that are distributed around the world have cooling systems, some with water, others with air conditioners, and all create an impressive amount of CO2”. Despite the fact that the large companies and leading corporations in the sector are betting more and more on feeding the system with renewable energy, the road is still long, and the same energies considered "green" present other challenges.
For these reasons, it is important to note that even if there are greener alternatives, you should always disconnect electronic devices that are not used, completely turn off PCs or laptops— do not put them to sleep, and disconnect from the internet, whether it is a Wi-Fi network or mobile data.
When creating a new website, one should think about which server will be used, because this will influence the results of the website. Servers from HP or Dell, for example, are becoming greener by optimising the efficiency of their servers by wasting less energy.

If you want to know how large the carbon footprint of your website is, you can always check a website carbon analyser such as , or you can habilitate an extension on your browser that will tell you the amount of emissions from the website you are visiting, such as .

If you go to, you can find a list of email providers that are considered to be greener alternatives to g-mail. This list includes: All of these providers receive a green score above 14 points (out of 20). These providers are considered to be green because they buy their electricity from renewable energy companies.

The downside to these options is that you do have to pay to use them, except for Tutanota, which offers a basic free option.

To choose the right provider for you, you need to think about a couple of factors:

PROS/CONS of the action

Pros: Cons:


Not Certified

Link to useful sources

Email Providers

Green servers cropping up all over
