

Include sustainability-related questions into your evaluation


Green Value indicator

Environment-focused improvement across all project activities


There are various evaluation activities in any (EU) project. They can be done at the level of each project and at the level of each organisation. Evaluations of the project management or implementation could include the following questions:

Q: Did the project contribute to ecological sustainability? How?

Q: How could the project be more environmentally sustainable?

Q: What did you do to make the project more environmentally sustainable?

Q: Suppose you had all the means and possibilities and were a dedicated environmentalist, what would you wish for your organisation/project or what would you implement in the next three years.

Q: In terms of environmental sustainability, did you “act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law” (Kant)?

Q: If Greta Thunberg was your good, but critical friend, how would she evaluate your project in terms of sustainability, what do you think she would make you improve? Be self-critical.

Q: Imagine you meet a person born into a economically disadvantaged family in a region severely hit by environmental catastrophes or climate change in the year 2040. Can you look them in the eye and say you did your personal best to improve the environment?

PROS/CONS of the action

Pros: Cons:


Not Certified
