
Communication / awareness

Work and meet in nature-focused co-working spaces


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Eco footprint


Modern lifestyles sometimes lead us to believe that humans have now severed the link with mother nature, however, the need for re-establishing the connection has never been greater. When we humans are amidst nature we feel in peace, relaxed and less stressed; the biological link makes us feel as being part of something greater, thus awakening our ecological conscience. This state of mind fosters creative ideas, thinking literally out of the concrete box. If nature helps, why not bring it to the workplace, where humans are usually more stressed? Careful though, potting a few plants will not be enough.
Some co-working places have not only introduced nature within their space but built everything around the idea of nature. Let’s explore a few great examples of how things can be done.
“Coworking in the sun” (@coworkinginthesun is their profile in Instagram) in Tenerife is 5 minutes away from the botanical gardens and big windows let in plenty of light and also, they offer many hiking tours in the nature.

There is a place named Talent Garden in Barcelona which also has big windows which allow the sun to spread inside. It has a nice garden to work too, and it is near the beach, where in summer some of the workers enjoy re-energising breaks. The website is: In Madrid there is a co-working space outside the city, in la Sierra, in the middle of the mountain. It also offers rooms to stay overnight, as a hotel or hostel, as well as a restaurant open to everyone. The owners of the co-working place organise hiking activities and yoga meditations. The website of the place is: and it explains all the services they have.

In Norway there is a place in Trondheim named Digs that contains a lot of nature inside. The owners have plants spread all over the rooms and inside the meeting rooms and they have wide windows. They also have a nice café filled with plants that is a great place to relax or continue working. Here is the website: These places offer inspiring working space, as they are thought for people who have start-ups or work on their own to socialise and grow their networks. If you are planning to open a new business location, you may want to consider this option. It is also ideal to organise transnational meetings or multiplier events as they are relaxing places and inviting to work and share and, at the same time, they are helpful to develop a new ecological awareness amongst participants.
Have we inspired you to look for a nature-focused co-working space near you?

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