Think Twice!

ThinkTwice!Ekološka trajnost pri vodenju projektov

Povečajmo ekološko trajnost v evropskih projektih, ozavestimo potencial ekološkega upravljanja projektov in vzpostavimo primere dobre prakse!

think twice! about
Think Twice

Future only comes once!

potovanje implementacija okolje trajnost evalvacija upravljanje diseminacija usposabljanje


think twice! treasury!

Zakladnica skrbno izbranih dobrih praks pri ekološko trajnostnem vodenju projektov

think twice! stress test!

«Stresni test« obstoječih praks z individualiziranim načrtom učne poti



In time for tomorrow: If a book can save the planet, this is it

In time for tomorrow? the Carbon Conversations Handbook was written ...
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think twice! our portal is on air

Our portal is on air!

Our portal is on air and we can share project’s ...
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think twice! kick off meeting

Kick Off Meeting

The partners of Think Twice! project from Germany, Spain, Greece, ...
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