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In time for tomorrow: If a book can save the planet, this is it

In time for tomorrow? the Carbon Conversations Handbook was written by Rosemary Randall and Andy Brown. The mission is to help readers take action to decrease their carbon footprint, create less waste and educate their communities about climate change. Whether you’re an individual ready to make changes in your lifestyle, or a project manager who […]

In time for tomorrow: If a book can save the planet, this is it Read More »

think twice! kick off meeting

Kick Off Meeting

The partners of Think Twice! project from Germany, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom and Slovenia, organized their first Transnational Meeting on 19th and 20th November 2020. Due to social distancing and travel restrictions aspects, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was carried out online. After analysing the project in detail, the participants developed

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think twice! approved

We got approved

An innovative Erasmus+ (KA2) Project started its activities on September 2020 and will last 24 months. It deals with the field of ecological sustainability that responds Europe 2020 priorities, which are: Environmental and climate goals (HORIZONTAL priority) Enhancing access to training and qualifications for all (VET priority) The aim of the project is to enhance

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