Wisamar is a non-profit educational institute in Leipzig, Germany, acting in vocational, cultural and adult education. Wisamar is accredited by TÜV as education provider and by the Office for Migration and Refugees as Integration Course Provider. Wisamar works in Labour market and social integration, Further education, EU Mobility & Mobility Consultancy and as Project Office for different EU funded projects. Together with partners from the Leipzig-Halle region as well as from all over Europe we are committed to common European activities in education as well as regional development.
Wisamar | Germany
Associació de Programes Educatius OpenEurope | Spain
The Association of Educational Services “OpenEurope” is a nonforprofit organisation that aims at involving educators, teachers, professors, students and the whole community in carrying on projects and programs that seek a life-long learning process. Our programs are designed to develop the participants’ communication, leadership and occupational skills. A special attention is paid to strengthen the capacity of non-governmental organizations and volunteerism to solve social problems, especially those related to civil participation, immigration, and to improve technology at the service of the people or Smart Cities.
p-consulting.gr | Greece
An IT, Training and Consulting company, located in Patras (Greece). Main objectives of the company is the provision of:
• quality IT and consulting services in business terms to companies and enterprises in all sectors of economy,
• training services which address the needs of various target groups,
• IT services, focusing in web development and creation of online educational platforms,
• managing and developing of project services, mostly oriented to improve the quality of people, especially people who from social vulnerable groups. In addition, the company has a well established network with partners from all over Europe, with which has already cooperated in European projects and through working groups in several European Forums and Organizations. The company has a staff with lot of experience in European and National Projects.
Eurosuccess Consulting | Cyprus
Eurosuccess Consulting (Cyprus), through a dynamic team of young scientists provides a comprehensive package of services addressing the needs of modern Cyprus enterprises especially on matters like innovation and technology. EUROSUCCESS identified, from the initial steps of its operations, the need for creating links between the Cyprus economy and the wider European market and put great emphasis on the exploitation of the potentials created by the accession of Cyprus in the European Union. Today EUROSUCCESS offers a variety of services to the Public, as well as the Private sector of Cyprus. It has also started to actively participate in international schemes, through a well-established network of partners abroad, based on the intense past experience of its founder.
In addition, Eurosuccess Consulting is a member of the: European Forum of Vocational Education and Training (EfVET), International Trade Council, European Prison Education Association (EPEA), European Policy Network on Key Competences in School Education (KeyCoNet Network), European Network of Innovation for Inclusion, European Alliance for Apprenticeships, European Working Group of Innovation Consultants, Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEB) and Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI).
Moreover, Eurosuccess Consulting is an accredited VET Center by the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus as well as an examination centre certified by ACTA, a human resources certification body, founded by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Taste Roots | Italy
Taste Roots Cooperative Society (www.upwell.dev/www.tasteroots.it) is a business set up in July 2017 in Latina county, just 60 kilometers south of Rome. The cooperative gathers professionals from different fields such as IT programming, project management, marketing, graphic design, international cooperation, veterinary medicine, aquaculture and agriculture. Its main focus is development of businesses of the primary sector (both agriculture, fishery and aquaculture), the digital transition of small businesses and sustainable practices for eco-compatible development of territories.
Taste Roots has been established to combine the experience in business development, digital communication, project management, supply chain development and technical support (mainly in the field of agriculture and aquaculture) and training gained by the founding members. Those services have been recently grouped under a brand called Upwell, while Taste Roots brand has become a virtual marketplace to provide farmers a space to retail their products online.
edEUcation Ltd | United Kingdom
edEUcation Ltd. is a UK based education consultancy with expertise in working on international education programmes. The company is also experienced in developing online training tools and training programmes for professionals. edEUcation provides a range of services to organisations in the North of England aimed at school improvement, including upskilling of language teachers, teacher and youth worker training, coaching and mentoring with continuing professional development in several EU countries, modelling teaching, including creative methodologies, and supporting organisations in developing international links. The philosophy of the company is to demonstrate effective improvement through practical activity.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Slovenia
CCIS is the largest independent voluntary organisation representing all business sectors in Slovenia, uniting 24 branch associations and operating a network of 13 regional chambers. CCIS provides a broad range of expertise in business support, namely through its legal department, TT and innovation unit, environmental department, internationalisation centre and EEN office. CCIS has the status of a representative Chamber of Commerce and is thus government’s legislation and policy partner, as well as a social partner organisation. CCIS is a part of an extensive international network, namely through membership in various umbrella organisations, also involved in numerous national and transnational projects related to research and development, business and entrepreneurship, internationalization, social issues, as well as training and education.
University of Aveiro | Portugal
University of Aveiro is a young Portuguese university, founded in 1973, with over 15000 full-time students (graduate and postgraduate) including about 15% international students every year. The University has a strong research profile and a solid experience of cooperation and projects with local stakeholders. The University has a unique model of governance integrating 16 Departments covering academic areas ranging from Engineering and Arts and Humanities, plus 4 Polytechnic Schools and various training centers addressing adult education. UA acts as a regional network for education and training promoting strong links with the surrounding community and is acknowledged as a pioneer University in developing degrees in new subject areas.