During the last week of September all ThinkTwice! partners are going to hold Multiplier events. Those events will combine the multiplier effect regarding the project topic of ecologically sustainable project management among the target group and stakeholders with an intermediate presentation of the project results. The aim of the events is to inform them about the project and it’s development and directly involve a wider audience exceeding the project and associated partners in the further development of project results.
“What” & “How”
We have developed our Treasury on ecologically sustainable project management with 59 Good Practices! Our main goal is to introduce our work so far to target groups and have an open discussion about them. During the event, participants will have the opportunity of discussing about the good practices that relate better to their work and give us feedback on their applicability.
The invited participants will be from the following groups:
• Project managers in project-based organizations
• VET actors
• Training institutions
• Providers offering further education for project managers
• All kinds of people working project-based – including freelancers, volunteers in NGOs etc.
Additionally, the plans for the implementation of the Stress Test (IO2) will be presented and examined regarding their adaptability taking into account the opinions of the participants.
From the participants’ feedback we will be wiser to make ThinkTwice! even stronger, because we will know what is good or not, what is applicable or not and what is missing
“Where” & “When”
Multiplier Events will be held in 8 different European countries and will be in 7 different languages. Every partner will make the event in their country and native language.
• EdEUcation – 29/9 – United Kingdom
• Taste Roots -(coming soon) – Italy
• p-consulting.gr -23/9 Greece
• Eurosuccess – 28/9 – Cyprus
• Wisamar – 30/9 – Germany
• University of Aveiro – 27/9 – Portugal
• CCIS – 28/9 – Slovenia
• Open Europe – 23/9– Spain